SubSaran Africa AVERT
East and Southern Africa HIV statistics. East and Southern Africa is the region that is hardest hit by HIV; it is home to over 50% of the total number of people ...
East and Southern Africa HIV statistics. East and Southern Africa is the region that is hardest hit by HIV; it is home to over 50% of the total number of people ...
Conservation of ocean environments, seas, coasts, the coral reefs and their magnicient diversity of marine animals and plants.
Atmospheric Sciences Questions including "Where did Earth''s atmosphere come from" and "What percent of room air is oxygen"
South American nation Venezuela tops the list, followed closely by Saudi Arabia.
Impact of World War II: how the nature of political quest for independence in Africa changed after 1945
Ancient Rome Questions including "What did the Romans call the year in which they lived" and "How many gods did the Romans worship"
Personal story : Today, it has been 3 years since I recovered from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or RMSF a disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a species of ...
Jan 06, 2016· Stress can worsen the negative symptoms of a disease. Photo Credit Yuri Arcurs/Hemera/Getty Images
Realtime coverage of the global economy, including indepth analysis of more than 300 economic indicators, topics and longterm trends, plus macro forecasts and ...
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lockpicking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) This page contains information on an adverse event associated with the administration of medicine or vaccine.
One quick update: Two weeks ago I was interviewed by the great folks at A Sweet Life. Their site is a great resource, especially for folks with diabetes, but really ...
Ever wondered if those oral glutathione pills are useful? Find answers here and learn how to raise glutathione with glutathione precursors.
As in many tropical areas around the world, Borneo''s rainforests are being cut and degraded for timber, palm oil, pulp, rubber and minerals.
Facts, Information And Articles About Black History In The United States.
Migration and Globalization 3 immigrants. These categories of migrants are perhaps the most controversial as governments struggle to ...
Dec 18, 2014· Dagga is South Africa''s most generally used drug. Here are some facts on the cheap, and freely available drug.
Common side effects of spice (synthetic marijuana, K2, Mojo, Cloud9) include agitation, insomnia, heart issues and psychosis. Death has also been reported.
Nov 27, 2011· It you think of the way we describe certain emotions (seeing red, feeling blue, green with envy), there''s no denying that color and mood are inextricably ...